Contemporary shorts re-released!

I have just released the remaining four of my contemporary romance short stories — An Academic Pursuit, Object, Silent Sky, Window Display — as ebook singles!

Each short story was previously published in various anthologies. In 2019, I republished all four, plus Orcas, in my Modern Shorts collection. Orcas was re-published as an e-short in 2021 along with the other Stories from the San Juan Islands. I have been wanting to release the other four contemporary stories as their own e-short, and just got around to starting it in December 2024.

At the moment, each is only 99¢! I’ll keep them at this price for a while.

An Academic Pursuit

Romance author Jean is propositioned by an eighteen-year-old virgin college student. She’s tempted, but what will Jean’s husband say?
“An Academic Pursuit” was previously published as “An Age Play”, but it’s still the same older woman-younger man, trying-polyamory-once, contemporary erotica short story.
An Academic Pursuit by Regina Kammer cover
Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia
Apple Books * Barnes & Noble/Nook * Google Play
Kobo USA, Kobo Canada, Kobo Australia, Kobo New Zealand, Kobo UK, Kobo Ireland, Kobo South Africa, also on Kobo Plus!
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A dinner date in San Francisco becomes something more than Nigel bargained for…
“Object” is a 1200-word contemporary BDSM erotica flash fiction short in which our hero Nigel is a really good sport.
Object by Regina Kammer cover
Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia
Apple Books * Barnes & Noble/Nook * Google Play
Kobo USA, Kobo Canada, Kobo Australia, Kobo New Zealand, Kobo UK, Kobo Ireland, Kobo South Africa, also on Kobo Plus!
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Silent Sky

I watched in horror as the twin towers collapsed, trying to remember if I’d told Scott I loved him before he’d left for New York.
“Silent Sky” is a moody contemporary women’s fiction short story with erotic-romantic elements.
Silent Sky by Regina Kammer cover
Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia
Apple Books * Barnes & Noble/Nook * Google Play
Kobo USA, Kobo Canada, Kobo Australia, Kobo New Zealand, Kobo UK, Kobo Ireland, Kobo South Africa, also on Kobo Plus!
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Window Display

The apartment in Zurich was supposed to be the perfect disruption-free place to finish my dissertation. Trouble is, my room came with a very distracting view.
“Window Display” is a contemporary tale of unexpected voyeurism and romance set in Zurich, Switzerland.
Window Display by Regina Kammer cover
Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Australia
Apple Books * Barnes & Noble/Nook * Google Play
Kobo USA, Kobo Canada, Kobo Australia, Kobo New Zealand, Kobo UK, Kobo Ireland, Kobo South Africa, also on Kobo Plus!
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Happy Reading!