Imperial Warriors: Two Scorching Tales of the Roman Empire

A mini-anthology with The Promise of Memory and Protecting Her, two sizzling tales of romance between alpha warriors and the women inexorably drawn to them.

Imperial Warriors CoverPublished by Viridium Press, 2016 (ebook only).
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Ancient Warriors…
Muscles flexing under sun-burnished skin as thick arms wield swords, battle axes, or bow and arrow. Brawny, fierce, and intensely loyal to their cause, king, or god. Alpha heroes romanticized through the lens of history.

…of the Roman Empire
Legions marching under the banner of Rome for centuries, conquering the Mediterranean and beyond, from Britannia in the West to Anatolia in the East.

Imperial Warriors: Two Scorching Tales of the Roman Empire offers two sizzling tales of romance between alpha warriors and the women who are inexorably drawn to them. Each story is set during a different time and place in the Roman Empire: Trajanic Rome and Byzantine Constantinople.

The Promise of Memory
A slave in Rome’s imperial palace finds freedom in fantasies of a knight in the imperial guard–a warrior who evokes memories of a long lost love.

Protecting Her
A Byzantine noblewoman seeking refuge in a monastery loses her heart to an invader when Constantinople is sacked by the Viking Rus.

“The Promise of Memory” and “Protecting Her” have been published separately before but are now available together for the first time. This mini-anthology includes bonus content from my Roman Imperial erotic epic, Hadrian and Sabina: A Love Story, plus an introductory essay.

Nota Bene: Want all five of Regina’s Ancient World short stories? You’ll find them in Ancient Shorts: An Ancient World Romance Collection, which includes “The Promise of Memory” and “Protecting Her”.

The Promise of Memory

A slave in Rome’s imperial palace finds freedom in her fantasies of a knight in Trajan’s guard—a warrior who evokes memories of a long lost love.
Previously published in: Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors
Inspiration for “The Promise of Memory”
History as inspiration for me as a writer.
Roman history as inspiration for “The Promise of Memory”.
The opening of the story is on Delilah Devlin’s website.

Protecting Her

A Byzantine noblewoman seeking refuge in a monastery loses her heart to an invader when Constantinople is sacked by the Viking Rus.
Previously published in: Conquests: An Anthology of Smoldering Viking Romance
Inspiration for “Protecting Her”
Why set the story in Byzantine Constantinople?
Read an excerpt on Delilah Devlin’s website.

Sexy fun includes: Voyeurism, light bondage, rough sex, rough Viking sex, interrupted masturbation, naked bathing, oral sex

Reviews for Imperial Warriors

“I found the stories not only erotic but romantic and heart rending. … Both stories push beyond the risqué undertones to a place that tugs at your heart strings. … I always feel like I’ve not only been a voyeur in a scene no one should have access to, but I’ve learned interesting lessons from a historical standpoint.” — Dawn Yacovetta, five stars on Amazon!

Upon its release, Imperial Warriors was an All Romance eBooks Silver Star Best Selling Romance in Ancient Historicals and Viking Historicals!
ARe Bestseller Romance Viking
ARe Bestseller Romance Ancient

Ancient World erotic romance by Regina

Hadrian and Sabina: A Love Story
Ancient Shorts: An Ancient World Romance Collection
Imperial Warriors: Two Scorching Tales of the Roman Empire
“Hot as Hades” a light paranormal romantic comedy based on the Persephone myth
“The Promise of Memory” an erotic romance set in Trajanic Rome
“An Unexpected Discovery” a Parthian erotic romance
“The Eunuch” a flash fiction BDSM follow-up to “An Unexpected Discovery”
“Protecting Her” a Byzantine-Viking erotic romance