Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors

The Promise of Memory

A Roman slave finds freedom in her fantasies of a knight in Trajan’s imperial guard — a warrior who evokes memories of a long lost love.

“The Promise of Memory” has been republished in Ancient Shorts: An Ancient World Romance Collection and Imperial Warriors: Two Scorching Tales of the Roman Empire.

Hot Highlanders And Wild Warriors cover

Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors: Erotic Romance for Women
Edited by Delilah Devlin, includes “The Promise of Memory” by Regina Kammer, an erotic romance set in imperial Rome.
Published by Tempted Romance a division of Cleis Press, 2014.
Purchase ebook: Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble/Nook Press, Google Play, Kobo
Purchase paperback: Cleis Press, Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Barnes & Noble/Nook Press
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Publisher’s description: Rugged Men in Long-Ago Times and Faraway Places. Imagine a time when survival required physical strength and men were judged by their fierce loyalty and unshakeable honor. Men devoting themselves to their true love through the art of courtly love is the ultimate in romance. Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors: Erotic Romance for Women is filled with wild knights and Scottish warriors whose courage on the battlefield is outmatched only by their ardor for their ladyloves! Readers will unleash their fantasies of olden days where men wearing heavy armor or thick tartans sent a spirited young maiden’s (or lonely widow’s) heart fluttering. These bravehearts were prized for their physical strength and men were judged for their fierce loyalty and unshakeable honor. Crusaders, highlanders, Normans and Saxons, tournament fighters, vikings, and hunky Huns astride stallions in search of adventure and love all populate the pages of this steamy read.

“The Promise of Memory” by Regina Kammer

Aelia, a slave in Rome’s imperial palace, is inflamed when the eques Manius and his blond Batavian bodyguard strut by her weaving studio on their way to the Empress Plotina’s bedroom. Something about Manius sets her heart a-flutter, something more than his muscular thighs and blue-gray gaze, something that reminds her of a love lost long ago in Trajan’s wars in Germania.

Sexy fun includes: Voyeurism, light bondage, rough sex.

Inspiration for “The Promise of Memory”

History as inspiration for me as a writer.
Roman history as inspiration for “The Promise of Memory”.

Reviews for “The Promise of Memory”

“I knew I had to include this story from the opening page” — Delilah Devlin, anthology editor.

“If you like your erotic heroes alpha and carrying swords, you’ll love this one. My favorites included: “The Promise of Memory” by Regina Kammer is a sexy and poignant story set in ancient Rome” — Delilah Night (also posted on Goodreads).

“The Promise of Memory” Excerpt

The opening of the story is on Delilah Devlin’s website.

Ancient World erotic romance by Regina

Hadrian and Sabina: A Love Story
Ancient Shorts: An Ancient World Romance Collection
Imperial Warriors: Two Scorching Tales of the Roman Empire
“Hot as Hades” a light paranormal romantic comedy based on the Persephone myth
“The Promise of Memory” an erotic romance set in Trajanic Rome
“An Unexpected Discovery” a Parthian erotic romance
“The Eunuch” a flash fiction BDSM follow-up to “An Unexpected Discovery”
“Protecting Her” a Byzantine-Viking erotic romance