Winter Interlude: An American Revolutionary Novelette

American Revolutionary Tales Book 2

On a cold winter’s night in 1778, two patriot soldiers recall their first sensual encounter and ponder their future together with the women they love.

Winter Interlude cover
Published by Viridium Press, 2018 (previously published 2015).
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On a cold winter’s night in 1778, two patriot soldiers recall their first sensual encounter and ponder their future together with the women they love.

Winter’s icy weather is not the only chill to descend upon New York’s Fort Revolution in January of 1778. Discontent hangs heavy in the air between Lieutenant Patrick Hamilton and Captain Samuel Taylor during an evening’s respite from America’s war for independence.

Reminiscing brings a realization of their emotional and physical connection to each other. Will memories be enough to rouse reconciliation?

Winter Interlude: An American Revolutionary Novelette (American Revolutionary Tales Book 2) is a prequel and interquel companion piece to The General’s Wife: An American Revolutionary Tale, delving into the relationship between Captain Samuel Taylor and Lieutenant Patrick Hamilton. Much of the action of Winter Interlude takes place in the gap between Chapter Twenty-Three and Chapter Twenty-Four of The General’s Wife.

Winter Interlude can be read as a stand-alone.

Sexy fun includes: polyamory, a creative prostitute, two dudes in the nude, anal sex, oral sex, double penetration.
Tropes include: Bisexual awakening

Series: American Revolutionary Tales

Book 1: The General’s Wife: An American Revolutionary Tale
Book 2: Winter Interlude: An American Revolutionary Novelette
Book 3: Coming soon! The Viscount and the Veteran: An American Federalist Tale

This novelette package includes a bonus story set during the American Revolution, “On the Eighteenth of January, ’78; or, A Night At Valley Forge”:
During the American Revolution’s infamous winter of ’77-’78 at Valley Forge, two soldiers fanboy over their charismatic leader, General George Washington.

Reviews for Winter Interlude

“Regina Kammer never disappoints. Reading her stories makes one cover their mouth with an “oh my” while simultaneously pleading “yes, more!” These stories take the reader back in time when men were forbidden the touch of another, which made stolen moments all the more riveting, if Kammer is to be believed. And believe her I did. Right to the very last thrust!” — MetalMom on Amazon.

“If you like MM fiction and/or historical fiction, I highly recommend you give Winter Interlude a read. It’s steamy, surprisingly well-drawn and well-developed, and Patrick and Samuel are a fabulous couple.” — valeen on Amazon; also posted on the Live Through Books Blog!

“Sam and Pat are fighting for America’s freedom, and for themselves. This is a M/M fast paced romance that is HOT!” — Cathy Doyle on Goodreads ; also posted on Amazon.

“The characters are strong and well developed and the author does a great job painting the scenery of the day.” — Brenda on Amazon.

“…short, steamy and entertaining.” — Mary on Goodreads.

“This very short story is well written and worth reading.” — Jill on Goodreads ; also posted on iBooks.

Review of the Bonus story: “The role play with the man pretending to be a woman courted by General Washington was pretty hot. I would love to see more like this.” — alias11 on Amazon.

Inspiration for Winter Interlude and “On the Eighteenth of January, ’78; or, A Night At Valley Forge”

Blog post on what inspired me to write “On the Eighteenth of January, ’78; or, A Night At Valley Forge”, a bonus story with Winter Interlude: An American Revolutionary Novelette.

Naughty Chances with historical romance by Regina Kammer
Winter Interlude: An American Revolutionary Novelette was originally published in Naughty Chances: Take A Chance on Romance (2015), which is no longer available in ebook format.
“On the Eighteenth of January, ’78; or, A Night At Valley Forge” was previously published in Naughty List: Thirteen Naughty Holiday Stories (2014), which is also no longer available in ebook format.

3 thoughts on “Winter Interlude: An American Revolutionary Novelette

  1. Pingback: Winter Release: Two stories together at last | Regina Kammer

  2. Pingback: Naughty Chances: Last Chance to Grab this #Romance! | Regina Kammer

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