Are you participating in the Amazon Boycott? Officially the boycott, or “blackout”, runs from March 7-14, 2025, but some activists have stated the boycott should last as long as a month. The boycott aimed at Target stores started March 5th, and will be for forty days to coincide with Lent.
The purpose of the boycotts is to send a message to companies that abandoning diversity, equity, and inclusion is regressive and unacceptable. Billionaires have manipulated the American economy and profited off the working class for far too long. So working people are taking action.
If you’ve decided you do not want to purchase ebooks, audiobooks, or paperbacks from Amazon, here are some other places you can get books:
Public Libraries
Request books from your local public library and read for free — while authors get paid!
Yes, that is correct. When you borrow an ebook or an audiobook from an indie author using a public library app, the author gets paid. For traditionally published books, the author eventually gets paid, but it’s not as immediate as for indie authors.
Most of my ebooks are available to local public libraries via the following digital library apps: Baker & Taylor (Axis360), cloudLibrary (Bibliotheca), Library Direct, Gardners, Hoopla, Odilo, Libby (OverDrive), and Palace Marketplace. I also have many ebooks available to public library users in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom via the BorrowBox app.
You can also request your library carry a paperback edition. Most public libraries have a way you can suggest a purchase, such as via a form on their website.
Eden Books
Eden Books is owned and operated by a Black woman who is definitely not a billionaire. The online store carries romance and women’s fiction, and includes taboo erotica.
All of my books are on Eden, too!
Kobo is a Canadian company, and I fully support our Canadian neighbors against the bizarre fascism and imperialism of American Republicans.
Kobo Plus is Kobo’s non-exclusive subscription program for ebooks and audiobooks. By non-exclusive, I mean authors are allowed to have their books in Kobo Plus as well as other retailers. (If you did not know, Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited is exclusive. That’s why you can’t find KU books in libraries or any other retailer.)
All my ebooks are available on Kobo as well as Kobo Plus.
A groundbreaking indie-author retailer, Smashwords was started by one guy who is not a billionaire, just a guy who felt readers should be able to purchase ebooks somewhere other than Amazon.
I have an author page at Smashwords, with all my series featured at the top.
Barnes and Noble
To be honest, Barnes & Noble has struggled to maintain its presence as a physical bookstore chain. It is now owned by an investment company (which probably employs some very wealthy people). The physical stores are trying to make a comeback. Barnes & Noble online is a great place to buy ebooks, audiobooks, and paperbacks.
I have an Author Page at Barnes and Noble. Paperback editions (if they exist for a title) are listed by default, so you need to click through on a listing to see my Nook ebooks.
Unfortunately, Everand is very picky when it comes to romance books because romance readers are too voracious for the subscription platform. Only some of my books are available at Everand. The subscription program has ebooks and audiobooks.
Non-billionaire owned paperback bookstores include (with links to my books):
Books-A-Million (BAM!), a chain of bookstores in the US.
Bookshop (also known as “Bookshop dot org”), an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores.
Ripped Bodice, a romance-only woman-and-queer-owned bookstore with locations in Los Angeles and Brooklyn.
ThriftBooks, an online independent bookseller offering both used and new books.
Apple Books
Yep, Apple Books is owned by a billionaire. I don’t have an author page at Apple, just a listing of all my books. This link should work for all geographic regions.
Google Play
Another billionaire platform. I have an author page at Google Play.
Back to the Boycott
Readers have a lot of options when it comes to buying and borrowing ebooks, audiobooks, and paperbacks. I support the right of readers everywhere to boycott whatever retailers they want and support whatever retailers they want. These are horrific times we are living in. Each of us has to act how we feel best to send our messages to oppressors.