Amazon Adds Samhain to Its List of Victims

The digital-first, romance publisher Samhain has announced it is closing. Despite never having been published by Samhain, this news makes me very sad. Samhain was my target publisher, the one I aspired to be published by. The publisher from whom I got the absolute best rejection letter ever. Continue reading

Harwell Heirs: New Gorgeous Covers!

Today is a very special day for me! Today the rights for two of the books in my Victorian erotic romance Harwell Heirs series revert back to me. This means I can go forth and republish The Pleasure Device and Disobedience By Design! And part of that exciting process is getting new covers:

gorgeous Harwell Heirs series 1 and 2 covers Continue reading

The Death of a Fan

January was a difficult month. A few people I know lost loved ones. The Naughty Literati lost one of our own authors. And I lost my biggest fan.

That may seem self-serving, perhaps a little trivial. Except my biggest fan was my mother-in-law. Continue reading