Inspiration: Antiquities, Accents, and Together Alone

This is my Discovering Her Delight inspiration post. Warning! There are spoilers ahead for the book. If you don’t mind spoilers, read on. If you don’t like your romance spoiled, read Discovering Her Delight first!

An Initial Inspiration

I started the notes for Discovering Her Delight way back in 2014 (then known as Discovering Her Desire). I knew it was going to be a story centered on an archaeological expedition, I just wasn’t clear on the specifics. An archaeologist friend of mine had a bizarre idea: what if the hero had to write on the heroine’s back?

So I held on to that thought, and it continued to inspire the story. Why would he need to do this? Under what circumstances? And how would he do it in 1881?

When I finally wrote the first draft as my 2017 NaNoWriMo project, I had all the reasons why, and, thanks to the NaNoWriMo discussion forums, I had some idea of the how. You’ll have to read the book to find out.


As I worked on the book, the obvious plot device was a fake antiquities ring. Well, I have some personal experience with that, believe it or not. My father used to subscribe to the catalog for the Sadigh Gallery in New York. Most years at Christmas, he would give me and my siblings gifts of some antique object and not tell us where he got it. When we would visit him, we would notice some new object from antiquity prominently displayed, and he would be vague about how he acquired it. I recall one gift of an “Egyptian” necklace and feeling rather uncomfortable about it. If it was real, it was illegal under international law. Then came the year I received the “Ancient Greek” kylix for Christmas.

I knew immediately it was fake.

By that time, I had finished my masters in art history (my emphasis was late Roman art). I knew objects such as the kylix would not be: a) intact and unchipped; b) if they were intact and unchipped, would be otherwise pristine, e.g. would not have uncleanable dirt and encrustations because the antiquities dealer would have cleaned all of that off to get a better price. The kylix was, simply, too perfect and too dirty.
Fake Greek kylix sold by New York fake antiquities dealer Sadigh Gallery

Then, as I was going through my father’s effects while he was dying, I came across all of the Sadigh Gallery receipts, which prompted me to look them up. It just happened to be at the same time the gallery had been accused of selling fakes.

The sad reality became fodder for the villain’s story in Discovering Her Delight.


It has been enough time to have had a few reviews on the book, and so far no one has mentioned the character in the book who has a unique skill with accents. While some might find this an unlikely skill, it is indeed based on my own experience.

When on a family tour of Italy, I could tell our British tour guide spoke Italian with a British accent. He told me the Italians found his accent as sexy as the Americans find British accents sexy. I laughed.

At a party at the apartment of a Turkish friend, I told him I could tell he spoke Turkish with a Los Angeles accent. He agreed in surprise.

I only offer these experiences as evidence in case someone wonders if ascertaining a speaker’s origin from the way they speak a foreign language is possible. It is.

Theme songs

So, our theme song for Discovering Her Delight is absolutely, positively “I Think We’re Alone Now”. But which version?

I am torn by all of the choices of versions of our theme song!

[Disclaimer: I have no control over whatever commercials/adverts Youtube chooses to show you when you watch these embedded videos. Whatever the ads are, I probably do not support the product or message.]

The original by Tommy James & The Shondells from 1967?

The remake by Tiffany from 1987 (twenty years later)?

The COVID lockdown version made by Billie Joe Armstrong with his sons?
(Okay, I think Billie Joe’s version is my favorite, although I do miss the vocal harmonies of the other versions.)

Misterotica, however, has a different take on what the theme song should be. Because William has an “unruly cock” that he has to keep bound under his trousers, my husband thought of a lesser-known song about young male virility: Jizz In My Pants by The Lonely Island. [Totally “Not Safe For Work” video!]

And in Discovering Her Delight, yes, William does, um, “jizz” in a few unusual places, one of which is not next to a kylix, but a larger vessel from antiquity.

Happy reading!

Perpetual Pride: All My Queer LGBTQIA+ Stories!

In celebration of Pride Month, which is June of every year, I am writing this post with the expectation that I will update it every June listing all my new Queer / LGBTQIA+ releases! [I might just end up making a page instead, but will let you know right here.]

I write queer main romantic protagonists only in my historicals. Many readers seem to think there were no queer people in the past. Some even think, while there were queer people in the past, they certainly never had a happily-ever-after. Well, I hope my stories reflect that, indeed, there were queer people in the past. In my historical erotic romances, my characters always have happily-ever-afters (an HEA is not an expectation or requirement for erotica).

The below list provides the genre and subgenre and the type of queer representation for each of my stories. Unless otherwise noted by “secondary”, the main protagonists are queer. Continue reading

Pre-order Discovering Her Delight! Harwell Heirs Book 5!

Discovering Her Delight: A Harwell Heirs Legacy Romance, Book 5 in the Harwell Heirs series is now available for pre-order! Release date is April 2, 2024!

I am happy to release Beatrice and William’s story. You may (should!) remember them from Book 3, Where Destiny Plays. The central romantic protagonists in Where Destiny Plays, Arthur and Lavinia, have, ahem, encounters with Beatrice and William respectively before Beatrice and William discover each other.

And now this is Beatrice and William’s love story. Check out this gorgeous cover: Continue reading

NaNoPrep2023: The Rebellion Begins

I have participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) since 2006. So this November, 2023, will be my 18th NaNoWriMo.

Holy Wow. That’s a lot of novels.

No, really, it is. I have nine (yes, 9) unfinished novels. And they are really good novels. Eight are related to existing series. (The standalone is 2021’s Super Sekrit Steampunk novel.)

So I came to the conclusion that I really, really, REALLY need to finish these novels. And I really, really need to spend my NaNoWriMo November writing time to achieve this goal rather than starting more new novels. Continue reading

Inspiration: Romance in the Interstices

Interstice (noun) in·​ter·​stice
plural — interstices
1a: a space that intervenes between things, especially one between closely spaced things
b: a gap or break in something generally continuous
2: a short space of time between events

Have you ever seen the play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead? The play (also a movie) is a retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet from the point of view of the courtiers Rosencrantz and Gildenstern, minor characters who inhabit the interstices of the action of Hamlet.

I like to think of A Delicate Seduction as the Rosencrantz and Gildenstern of The Harwell Heirs series, except without the existential absurdism. Continue reading

Pre-order A Delicate Seduction! Harwell Heirs Book Four, finally!

Finally…finally A Delicate Seduction: A Harwell Heirs Legacy Romance, Book Four in the Harwell Heirs series, is available for pre-order!

It’s been a long time, a long time, yes, I know. The last time I released a brand new book (not a repackaged, previously published story) was 2019.

Can you tell I am so happy to be releasing Percival and Bertram’s story into the world? Check out this gorgeous cover! Continue reading

NaNoPrep2022: Steampunk Rebel!

This year has been a difficult one. My mother died unexpectedly. My father continues to live under hospice care. So I’m taking it easy with my 2022 National Novel Writing Month November effort. Which means I’m going to, yet again, be a NaNo Rebel.

What’s a NaNoWriMo Rebel you might ask? Someone who bucks the NaNoWriMo tradition of writing 50,000 words of a brand new novel during November. The team over at National Novel Writing Month has FAQs in their discussion forum. Continue reading

NaNoPrep2020: Pantsing Adam and Lydia’s story

Welp, it’s October 2020 and time for NaNoPrep2020, otherwise known as Preptober. Also, it’s the absolute end of October and I really just started prepping my NaNoWriMo novel this week. Ugh, sigh.

But, I have a premise, I have the fake NaNo cover, and I think farming is over for right now. (Okay, well, farming never ends, but it sometimes takes a seasonal break. By the way, did you know I was a gentlefolk farmer?)

This year I’m totally pantsing it. I have a vague premise of a story involving Lydia and Adam from The Vicereine, the sex club in my Art & Discipline series. The title is tentatively A Model Alliance.

Who are Lydia and Adam, you might ask?
Continue reading

Steampunk Inspiration (Part 2): Burning Man

In Steampunk Inspiration (Part 1), I discussed my family ties to a unique object of inspiration for my very first Steampunk story. I also hinted at the source of inspiration for my second Steampunk story.

For “Delia’s Heartthrob”, my entry in Naughty Hearts the Valentine’s Day release from the Naughty Literati, there was a specific source of inspiration. But before I get into that there’s a bit of very personal backstory. Continue reading

NaNoWriMo 2014: The Westerman Affair

[UPDATE: The Westerman Affair was published in 2017!]

This will be my ninth NaNoWriMo. I’m such a geek about the event that I went ahead and filled in all my novels since 2006 – which just shows how geeky I really am since I’ve kept all that NaNoWriMo documentation over the years. I’ve left the original covers I made for the event and not the covers as published (only two books remain unfinished, and therefore, unpublished). I really like that General’s Wife cover! It’s a detail from Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s amazing Baroque sculpture The Rape of Proserpina, 1621-22, in Rome’s Borghese Gallery. I also like that tag line I made for it: “Will she submit to the enemy?” I should totally use that when I redo the cover. Continue reading