Perpetual Pride: All My Queer LGBTQIA+ Stories!

In celebration of Pride Month, which is June of every year, I am writing this post with the expectation that I will update it every June listing all my new Queer / LGBTQIA+ releases! [I might just end up making a page instead, but will let you know right here.]

I write queer main romantic protagonists only in my historicals. Many readers seem to think there were no queer people in the past. Some even think, while there were queer people in the past, they certainly never had a happily-ever-after. Well, I hope my stories reflect that, indeed, there were queer people in the past. In my historical erotic romances, my characters always have happily-ever-afters (an HEA is not an expectation or requirement for erotica).

The below list provides the genre and subgenre and the type of queer representation for each of my stories. Unless otherwise noted by “secondary”, the main protagonists are queer. Continue reading

NaNoPrep2022: Steampunk Rebel!

This year has been a difficult one. My mother died unexpectedly. My father continues to live under hospice care. So I’m taking it easy with my 2022 National Novel Writing Month November effort. Which means I’m going to, yet again, be a NaNo Rebel.

What’s a NaNoWriMo Rebel you might ask? Someone who bucks the NaNoWriMo tradition of writing 50,000 words of a brand new novel during November. The team over at National Novel Writing Month has FAQs in their discussion forum. Continue reading

Winter Release: Two stories together at last

My American Revolution male-male stories are together at last in one ebook!

Winter Interlude: An American Revolutionary Novelette (American Revolutionary Tales Book 2) and a bonus story “On the Eighteenth of January, ’78; or, A Night at Valley Forge” are now available for pre-order for only 99¢!
Winter Interlude cover
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Summer Romance Bingo cheat sheet!

Have you heard? The Ripped Bodice, a bookstore in Culver City, California, devoted entirely to romance is having their second annual Summer Romance BINGO! Below is a cheat sheet to how my books can fill in your BINGO card! Continue reading

Naughty Flames: Last Chance to Grab this Romance!

The Naughty Literati’s packager is closing down, which means we have to find some other way to bring our steamy stories to readers! This affects eight of our collections.
After September 30, 2017, the following collections will no longer be available:
Naughty Hearts, Naughty Escapes, Naughty Reunions, Naughty Chances, Naughty Lovers, Naughty Heatwave, Naughty Haunts, Naughty Flames
Each one of these collections will be highlighted in a series of blog posts.

Naughty Flames: Eleven Fiery Romances

Naughty Flames coverEleven shorts and novelettes including Contemporary, Fantasy, Historical, M/F/M, M/M, M/M/F, New Adult, Paranormal, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Suspense, Rubenesque, Shapeshifter, Stepbrother, and Threesome romance from bestselling authors writing as The Naughty Literati.
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Naughty Chances: Last Chance to Grab this #Romance!

The Naughty Literati’s packager is closing down, which means we have to find some other way to bring our steamy stories to readers! This affects eight of our collections.
After September 30, 2017, the following collections will no longer be available:
Naughty Hearts, Naughty Escapes, Naughty Reunions, Naughty Lovers, Naughty Heatwave, Naughty Haunts, Naughty Flames. Naughty Chances will be taken down October 30, 2017.
Each one of these collections will be highlighted in a series of blog posts.

Naughty Chances: Take A Chance on Romance

Naughty Chances coverSeven short stories and novelettes including Fantasy, Futuristic, Historical, Holiday, M/M, M/M/F, Military, Paranormal, and Shapeshifter romance from bestselling authors writing as The Naughty Literati!
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NaNoWriMo 2015: NaNoPrep

2015 will be my 10th year doing NaNoWriMo and I’m revisiting some of my favorite characters I’ve created during the event, plus adding another hero and heroine into the mix. Back this year are Clara, Sam, Constance, and Pat from The General’s Wife: An American Revolutionary Tale. Joining them will be Clara’s brother – Oliver Hastings, the Viscount Thornton – and a family friend, Lady Eleanor Ormundsley. Continue reading

The General’s Wife now in epub!

Finally, finally I was able to convert The General’s Wife: An American Revolutionary Tale into an epub edition! I had to wait until the end of its enrollment in Amazon’s KDP Select Program, because books in that program have to be exclusive to Amazon.

So now you can buy The General’s Wife for your Nook, your Kobo reader, your iPad or other Apple product, your Tolino reader, your whatever-is-not-a-Kindle! Continue reading

My Bisexual Heroes: Extended Version

Hi Everyone, I’m blogging over at AReCafe today about my bisexual heroes for LGBTQ Pride Month. But I had to keep it short and was only able to promote my books listed on AllRomanceeBooks. I got a lot more stories with bisexual heroes. Below is the extended version of my blog post.

Remember Torchwood? The Dr. Who spin-off show set in Cardiff? There’s definite sexual chemistry between Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper, and we the viewers so want something to happen, but we know Gwen already has a boyfriend who is a nice guy and she can’t just have an affair without consequences then suddenly…

OMG. Continue reading

Meet My Character Blog Hop: Joseph Phillips

I’ve been tagged in another blog hop!

This blog hop highlights a main character from an author’s work-in-progress (WIP) or recently published or soon-to-be-published work. I was tagged by the witty and always fascinating Karysa Faire, who has a sexy character named Rodger in her WIP Swashbuckler, but she decided to introduce Hannah on this blog hop, a character from an entirely different book in a projected series that sounds absolutely wonderful. I’ve put all her links at the end of this post.

Now on to meeting one of my characters… Continue reading