Reverse Harem? Well, only sort of…

Reverse Harem is the new hot trend in romance. Stories feature one woman and at least three men, each of whom is in love with her. The heroine can’t decide which man she wants to be with so her happily-ever-after is with all of the men.

Sounds like something I probably write, right? But I don’t. However, my stories do involve themes that are very, very close to reverse harem. I let my female characters have a lot of fun with the men in their lives, even if they only end up with one (or two) of them.

Below is a guide to some of the Reverse Harem-type themes in my stories. Continue reading

Join me at Passport to Romance!

Want to meet me in person?

Of course you do!

I will be a featured author at the Passport to Romance Reader Appreciation Event sponsored by the Emerald City Writers’ Conference!

This evening cocktail — or “booktail” — party is free to all and will be held Saturday, October 14th, 6pm-8pm, at the Bellevue Westin Hotel, Bellevue (near Seattle), Washington.

The first 100 readers to arrive will receive a goody bag with lots of author swag, including a download card for a copy of my historical erotic romance The Pleasure Device (Harwell Heirs Book 1)!

I will also be giving away: Continue reading

Romancing the Throne, or, The History of a Parthian Love Story

Naughty Getaways: Eleven Sultry Stories is out! And it includes my ancient world romance, “An Unexpected Discovery” set in Parthia, the kingdom to the east of the Roman Empire. My heroine, Roedogune, is based on an actual historic figure, a Parthian princess who, along with the Parthian imperial throne, was captured by the Romans during their invasion of Ctesiphon, the capital of the Parthian Empire. Continue reading

Yay! I’m Now Available On Google Play!

N.B. I will update this blog post as more of my stories go live on Google Play!
[UPDATE: All my books are now listed on Google Play!]

I have been waiting for an opportunity to sell my books on Google Play for a couple of years now, but Google Play is currently unavailable to “new publishers”. A few years back there was a scandal involving book pirates and app scammers plaguing the site, so Google felt the best method of dealing with this was to simply shut down access to all new publishers, including legitimate self-publishers like myself.

Trust me, I would never scam you. Continue reading

New Mini-Anthology 99¢ Sale! Imperial Warriors is out!

Imperial Warriors: Two Scorching Tales of the Roman Empire is out! This mini-anthology includes previously published stories now available together for the first time. “The Promise of Memory” was published in Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors, and “Protecting Her” was published in Conquests: An Anthology of Smoldering Viking Romance. It’s my very first anthology of my own stories, which means it’s really a “collection of short stories” rather than an anthology (which implies several authors). But I’m calling it a mini-anthology because I like that word!

And it’s on sale for only 99¢!

To celebrate my new release, I’m keeping the price to only 99¢ for the month of June! [UPDATE: I’m keeping it at this price through August!] For this fabulously low price you get not only two scorching historical erotic romances, you get an introduction chock full of history plus a mini-bibliography, and an enticing excerpt from my historical erotica epic, Hadrian and Sabina: A Love Story. Continue reading

A Naked Guy in Zurich

Hi everyone! I’m over at the Naughty Literati blog today talking about the inspiration for my Naughty Escapes story. The post is copied below. Enjoy!

In my story “Window Display” in Naughty Escapes, the heroine, Laurie, an American Ph.D. student, trots off to Zurich to finish up her dissertation. Instead of the hoped-for peace and quiet, she finds distraction in a totally hot neighbor who doesn’t bother closing the curtains when he’s naked at home.

Many of my Naughty Literati co-authors chose rather exotic locations for their Naughty Vacation Getaway stories. Zurich is generally not considered an “exotic” or even “sexy” location in which to set a romance! Exotic or not, sexy or not, the story is based on a real-life event. Not my life, though. Inspiration came from an unlikely place. Continue reading

My Bisexual Heroes: Extended Version

Hi Everyone, I’m blogging over at AReCafe today about my bisexual heroes for LGBTQ Pride Month. But I had to keep it short and was only able to promote my books listed on AllRomanceeBooks. I got a lot more stories with bisexual heroes. Below is the extended version of my blog post.

Remember Torchwood? The Dr. Who spin-off show set in Cardiff? There’s definite sexual chemistry between Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper, and we the viewers so want something to happen, but we know Gwen already has a boyfriend who is a nice guy and she can’t just have an affair without consequences then suddenly…

OMG. Continue reading

Write What You Know: Paranormal Edition

Hi everyone! I’m over at The Naughty Literati blog today discussing “Hot as Hades”, my story in Naughty Flings. If you don’t want to go over there, the post is below!

Beginning writers are often advised to “write what you know,” that way words and stories and emotions will resound authentically. The general public has glommed on to this aphorism and often conflates “write what you know” with “write your actual lived experience”. Erotica and erotic romance writers especially fall victim to this definition. We get a lot of “heh, heh” “snicker, snicker” at parties and such, because of course we’ve all done every blessed thing our characters have done.

Sigh. Continue reading

Rewriting the Persephone Myth

An excerpt from “Hot as Hades,” my story in Naughty Flings: Twelve Naughty Little Romps, is up today on our Naughty Literati blog.

When I was thinking about what to write for Naughty Flings, an anthology with the theme of springtime, the quintessential springtime myth came to mind, i.e., the story of Persephone. I decided to revisit this myth, but to put a new spin on it, which proved pretty easy.

Because I’d put a new spin on the story once before. Continue reading

Steampunk Inspiration (Part 2): Burning Man

In Steampunk Inspiration (Part 1), I discussed my family ties to a unique object of inspiration for my very first Steampunk story. I also hinted at the source of inspiration for my second Steampunk story.

For “Delia’s Heartthrob”, my entry in Naughty Hearts the Valentine’s Day release from the Naughty Literati, there was a specific source of inspiration. But before I get into that there’s a bit of very personal backstory. Continue reading