Contemporary shorts re-released!

I have just released the remaining four of my contemporary romance short stories — An Academic Pursuit, Object, Silent Sky, Window Display — as ebook singles!

Each short story was previously published in various anthologies. In 2019, I republished all four, plus Orcas, in my Modern Shorts collection. Orcas was re-published as an e-short in 2021 along with the other Stories from the San Juan Islands. I have been wanting to release the other four contemporary stories as their own e-short, and just got around to starting it in December 2024. Continue reading

San Juan Islands Stories re-release! Pre-order now!

My three stories that comprise the Stories from the San Juan Islands have finally been repackaged and re-released. Plus, all three stories are together for the first time in the Stories from the San Juan Islands Collection! Two shorts and the collection are now available for pre-order!

Yes, Undamaged and “Orcas” have been available all along. But “Orcas” is now available as an ebook single (not just in an anthology). I am most excited about re-releasing Disputed Boundaries. This historical male-male novelette has not been available in ebook format for a couple of years.

The new covers are gorgeous and include images from the San Juan Islands taken by me.

Without further ado, the new re-releases and pre-order details are below. Including some special pre-order deals! [Sorry! All deals have ended!] Release day is officially Tuesday, January 26, 2021. Continue reading