Ex-EC Titles Re-Released: Part One #notchilled

The publisher Ellora’s Cave has been having problems for the last couple of years. They’ve had massive layoffs, late and missed payments to authors and contractors, then, when they sued a blogger for defamation, all hell broke loose. There was mudslinging and accusations and a boycott of Ellora’s Cave books led by some pretty powerful people in the field of romance. EC authors themselves begged their fans not to buy their EC books so they could request reversion of rights based on low sales.

I want to go beyond the negativity, the “don’t”-ness of a boycott, and instead explore positive actions to support authors still trapped in the EC quagmire. Let’s get some love for your favorite EC author!
— Buy non-EC books by your favorite EC author!
— Write a review for a non-EC book by your favorite EC author!
— Blog or post on social media about non-EC books by your favorite EC author!
— Recommend non-EC books by your favorite EC author to all your reader friends! Continue reading

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Did you hear? I now have a newsletter! It’s called Kammerotica News and you can subscribe to it by clicking here!

So, why would you want to subscribe to my newsletter? Especially if you already read my blog, or follow me on social media? Continue reading

Naughty Lovers Official Release Day: More Ockham Steam-Works Laboratory Chronicles!

I am excited to announce the official release of Naughty Lovers: Love Is In The Air. “Official” release because we, the Naughty Literati, actually had the anthology uploaded to Amazon about a week and a half ago, but we didn’t want to announce it until March 1st so we could coordinate promotion efforts.

Ah, the life of an author…so nuanced.

Anyway, I am happy to announce that Naughty Lovers contains the third installment of my Steampunk erotic romance series, the Ockham Steam-Works Laboratory Chronicles. “Swing Follies” further explores the relationship between Professor Edward Ockham and his laboratory assistant Delia Bennett, plus throws in a touch of romantic intrigue with a bit of backstory. Oh, and also gives a hint of a future relationship for laboratory Special Assistant Sebastian Broadchurch. Continue reading