Contemporary shorts re-released!

I have just released the remaining four of my contemporary romance short stories — An Academic Pursuit, Object, Silent Sky, Window Display — as ebook singles!

Each short story was previously published in various anthologies. In 2019, I republished all four, plus Orcas, in my Modern Shorts collection. Orcas was re-published as an e-short in 2021 along with the other Stories from the San Juan Islands. I have been wanting to release the other four contemporary stories as their own e-short, and just got around to starting it in December 2024. Continue reading

Censorship is Coming

The 2024 elections in the United States are devastating to all who believe in freedom of expression and freedom of speech.

Censorship is coming to the United States. Censorship of the books you want to read. Prepare for the censorship apocalypse now.
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Getting to know me: The Smut Report 2023

This re-post of an interview I did with The Smut Report is the fifth in a series of blog interviews I’ve done over the years. The first post explains my purpose.

The Smut Report Interview

Today’s post is from a 2023 interview I did for The Smut Report with the goal of promoting my Harwell Heirs series. At the time, I had just released Book 4, A Delicate Seduction, and so applied to The Smut Report for a review of Book 1, The Pleasure Device. They said they would review The Pleasure Device later, but in the meantime, I could do this promo interview called “My First Smut”, so I did. By the way, The Smut Report hated The Pleasure Device. It seems my Victorian erotic romance was too smutty for a website with “smut” in the title! Continue reading

NaNoNoMore: Artificial Intrusion

I have a story to tell. The first year I participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), 2006, I told a computer programmer friend of mine about the event. If you don’t know, NaNoWriMo is a seat-of-your-pants, self-motivated challenge where you write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. By writing 50,000 words, you become a NaNoWriMo “winner”. My programmer friend said she could write a script in a few minutes that would repeat a word 50,000 times, so would that make her a winner?

Um, no. Continue reading

Pre-order Their Noble Deceit! Harwell Heirs Book 6!

Their Noble Deceit: A Harwell Heirs Legacy Romance, Book 6 in the Harwell Heirs series, is now available for pre-order! Release date is October 8, 2024!

Their Noble Deceit is the continuation of Percival (Norrington) and Bertram (Ravensburgh)’s story, which ended with an HEA in Book 4, A Delicate Seduction, but with the understanding that Percival would have to get married to a woman one day. Well, that day has come, and suddenly there are a lot of changes in Percy and Bertie’s lives! Continue reading

Inspiration: Antiquities, Accents, and Together Alone

This is my Discovering Her Delight inspiration post. Warning! There are spoilers ahead for the book. If you don’t mind spoilers, read on. If you don’t like your romance spoiled, read Discovering Her Delight first!

An Initial Inspiration

I started the notes for Discovering Her Delight way back in 2014 (then known as Discovering Her Desire). I knew it was going to be a story centered on an archaeological expedition, I just wasn’t clear on the specifics. An archaeologist friend of mine had a bizarre idea: what if the hero had to write on the heroine’s back?

So I held on to that thought, and it continued to inspire the story. Why would he need to do this? Under what circumstances? And how would he do it in 1881? Continue reading

Perpetual Pride: All My Queer LGBTQIA+ Stories!

In celebration of Pride Month, which is June of every year, I am writing this post with the expectation that I will update it every June listing all my new Queer / LGBTQIA+ releases! [I might just end up making a page instead, but will let you know right here.]

I write queer main romantic protagonists only in my historicals. Many readers seem to think there were no queer people in the past. Some even think, while there were queer people in the past, they certainly never had a happily-ever-after. Well, I hope my stories reflect that, indeed, there were queer people in the past. In my historical erotic romances, my characters always have happily-ever-afters (an HEA is not an expectation or requirement for erotica).

The below list provides the genre and subgenre and the type of queer representation for each of my stories. Unless otherwise noted by “secondary”, the main protagonists are queer. Continue reading

Pre-order Discovering Her Delight! Harwell Heirs Book 5!

Discovering Her Delight: A Harwell Heirs Legacy Romance, Book 5 in the Harwell Heirs series is now available for pre-order! Release date is April 2, 2024!

I am happy to release Beatrice and William’s story. You may (should!) remember them from Book 3, Where Destiny Plays. The central romantic protagonists in Where Destiny Plays, Arthur and Lavinia, have, ahem, encounters with Beatrice and William respectively before Beatrice and William discover each other.

And now this is Beatrice and William’s love story. Check out this gorgeous cover: Continue reading

On January Eighteenth: A Night At Valley Forge re-released!

My American Revolution male-male gender-bending role play erotica short “On the Eighteenth of January, ’78; or, A Night at Valley Forge” is finally available as an ebook single!

It’s my favorite of all my short stories and I am happy to bring it to you in all of its standalone, wintry glory. As a beta reader said when it was first written, the story is “super kinky and bizarre and queer.”

Grab it now at a discount! During the pre-order and new release period it’s only 99¢! Price goes up on March 1, 2024. Continue reading

NaNoPrep2023: The Rebellion Begins

I have participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) since 2006. So this November, 2023, will be my 18th NaNoWriMo.

Holy Wow. That’s a lot of novels.

No, really, it is. I have nine (yes, 9) unfinished novels. And they are really good novels. Eight are related to existing series. (The standalone is 2021’s Super Sekrit Steampunk novel.)

So I came to the conclusion that I really, really, REALLY need to finish these novels. And I really, really need to spend my NaNoWriMo November writing time to achieve this goal rather than starting more new novels. Continue reading