Naughty Lovers Official Release Day: More Ockham Steam-Works Laboratory Chronicles!

I am excited to announce the official release of Naughty Lovers: Love Is In The Air. “Official” release because we, the Naughty Literati, actually had the anthology uploaded to Amazon about a week and a half ago, but we didn’t want to announce it until March 1st so we could coordinate promotion efforts.

Ah, the life of an author…so nuanced.

Anyway, I am happy to announce that Naughty Lovers contains the third installment of my Steampunk erotic romance series, the Ockham Steam-Works Laboratory Chronicles. “Swing Follies” further explores the relationship between Professor Edward Ockham and his laboratory assistant Delia Bennett, plus throws in a touch of romantic intrigue with a bit of backstory. Oh, and also gives a hint of a future relationship for laboratory Special Assistant Sebastian Broadchurch. Continue reading

Amazon Adds Samhain to Its List of Victims

The digital-first, romance publisher Samhain has announced it is closing. Despite never having been published by Samhain, this news makes me very sad. Samhain was my target publisher, the one I aspired to be published by. The publisher from whom I got the absolute best rejection letter ever. Continue reading

Harwell Heirs: New Gorgeous Covers!

Today is a very special day for me! Today the rights for two of the books in my Victorian erotic romance Harwell Heirs series revert back to me. This means I can go forth and republish The Pleasure Device and Disobedience By Design! And part of that exciting process is getting new covers:

gorgeous Harwell Heirs series 1 and 2 covers Continue reading

The Death of a Fan

January was a difficult month. A few people I know lost loved ones. The Naughty Literati lost one of our own authors. And I lost my biggest fan.

That may seem self-serving, perhaps a little trivial. Except my biggest fan was my mother-in-law. Continue reading

The Harwell Heirs, Reverted

Rights reverted, that is…

A special announcement to fans of historical erotic romance! My Victorian series Harwell Heirs is currently in limbo. Rights for two of the three books are in the process of reverting to me. I’m preparing to re-launch the series in February 2016.

So, if you are looking for The Pleasure Device (Harwell Heirs Book 1) and Disobedience By Design (Harwell Heirs Book 2) they are not available at the moment! But hang on tight, because I’m editing the text (minor edits really, no changes to the story) and getting new covers made (I cannot wait to show you the new covers!!) in preparation for the relaunch.
Continue reading

The Card Never Arrived

I got a card today. I had wondered about that card because I had sent it out myself. I had sent it the moment I heard a colleague was very sick and dying. I had sent it to the hospital.

Today I got the card back stamped “Return to sender. Patient discharged”. Continue reading

2015: End of Year Post

It’s just an hour or so before 2016, just enough time for an end of year post for 2015. I haven’t posted all December for two reasons: winter holiday road trip to see family and friends (with intermittent WiFi), and I’m on deadline for the next Naughty Literati anthology, Naughty Lovers. I’m still not quite sure I’m going to meet that deadline!

But let’s just say I do meet that deadline… Continue reading

NaNoWriMo 2015: NaNoPrep

2015 will be my 10th year doing NaNoWriMo and I’m revisiting some of my favorite characters I’ve created during the event, plus adding another hero and heroine into the mix. Back this year are Clara, Sam, Constance, and Pat from The General’s Wife: An American Revolutionary Tale. Joining them will be Clara’s brother – Oliver Hastings, the Viscount Thornton – and a family friend, Lady Eleanor Ormundsley. Continue reading

Mature Romance

It happens to the best of us. It happens to the worst of us. But we’re lucky if it happens to us at all.

Getting older.

As we tally off the years, we get a little soft around the middle, our knees creak when we climb stairs, our muscles complain if we try a new dance move, our fifty shades of youthful tresses dim to one shade of gray.

And yet, we still crave romance, we still yearn for love. Because, even though we’ve grown older, we’re still human. We may not have the raging hormones of youth, but the heart still desires emotional satisfaction.

So it is with romance novel characters. Continue reading