In this installment of Snippet Sunday*, our heroine Clara meets our villain General Strathmore for the first time. This directly follows last week’s snippet, from The General’s Wife, which I am revising. Continue reading
Tag Archives: erotica
Snippet Sunday: The General’s Wife: Strathmore
Below is a snippet from The General’s Wife, which I am revising. Our villain, General Strathmore, is introduced.
I’m trying out a feature called Snippet Sunday, which is promoted on Twitter as #SnipSun, #SnipSunday, or #SnippetSunday, and on Facebook, as well as on various blogs (just type Snippet Sunday in your favorite search engine and see what comes up!). Authors post just a snippet — six to ten sentences — of a recently released novel, a WIP (work in progress), or an older manuscript that’s being revived. Lots of different genres are represented — romance, mystery, thriller, sci fi, fantasy, erotica, and more. Continue reading
Works in Progress: General’s Wife, with excerpt
Warning: long excerpt ahead…
As I stated in a previous blog post, I’m revising my first book, The General’s Wife. So far, I’m just over halfway through what I call a “first pass” revision, in which I seek to clean up the point-of-view errors and prettify the text. I’ll do several more revisions based on my editing checklist. (One literary fiction friend told me over coffee one day that every novel needs to go through at least nine revisions. Oh my. That’s a lot. But, um, okay.)
I thought I might post an excerpt so those (dozens!) of you who have actually read General’s Wife can see what I’m doing here. The ideas underpinning the plot are all still there, it’s just the wrapper that has changed, and in this excerpt, the sensuality has been heightened. Continue reading
Victorian Sex: My Secret Life (Part 3)
Where to find Walter on the Web
So, where can you find My Secret Life on the Internet? Continue reading
Victorian Sex: My Secret Life (Part 2)
Who was Walter?
In order to answer this question, we need to establish if there is indeed a question here to answer.
Uh, what?
Well, is My Secret Life an autobiography or a work of fiction? If it is a work of fiction, then trying to ascertain who Walter was is moot. If it is autobiographical, then someone (or perhaps several someones) wrote it, and, the question then becomes, who? Continue reading
Works in Progress: Confessions
I thought about making a separate Works in Progress page, but I like the idea of a blog post so I can update my progress occasionally and followers can, well, follow along. Plus, I’ve got some confessions about one of those WIPs… Continue reading
Submitting: Resources for Erotic Short Story Submissions
[Note: I am no longer updating this Short Story Submissions Resources page.]
So far this year, I have submitted four short stories to various editors. I have one more looking for a home, so I diligently peruse calls for submissions. Most calls for short stories are very specific – e.g., zombies, sex at work, Christmas – and since my unsubbed story is already written, I have to find an appropriate call.
I’ll admit that I never thought I would be able to write an erotic story based on someone else’s prompt. Sexy is subjective, isn’t it? Some things just simply do not turn me on. One of the calls did turn me on, so I plunged in (my hero did some plunging in of his own, too). Continue reading
Victorian Sex: My Secret Life (Part 1)
This post is not about my secret life, it’s about the infamous tome published c. 1890, authored by a man known only as Walter. The book, My Secret Life, was written as a memoir and is often considered a work of Victorian erotica, which it most certainly is not. It is unabashedly an impressive work of pornography. Unlike a more famous erotic memoir, John Cleland‘s Memoirs Of A Woman Of Pleasure, aka, Fanny Hill which has a plot and a resolution (actually a happy ending), My Secret Life is more a series of vignettes. It does have the elements of fiction: There are running characters; there is development of Walter’s psyche; there is a progression of time. But it lacks any plot. Weighing in between 790 and 1173 pages (depending on the version; this one is cited), My Secret Life is the epitome of the rambling sexual memoir, a prime example of that particular style of Victorian porn. Continue reading