Contemporary shorts re-released!

I have just released the remaining four of my contemporary romance short stories — An Academic Pursuit, Object, Silent Sky, Window Display — as ebook singles!

Each short story was previously published in various anthologies. In 2019, I republished all four, plus Orcas, in my Modern Shorts collection. Orcas was re-published as an e-short in 2021 along with the other Stories from the San Juan Islands. I have been wanting to release the other four contemporary stories as their own e-short, and just got around to starting it in December 2024. Continue reading

Sex and the Seasoned Romance

In 2018, I was on a Seasoned Romance panel at the Emerald City Writers Conference. My topic was “Sex and the Seasoned Romance”. I was recently reminded of this presentation when another author posted a rather shocking comment in a seasoned romance author discussion group I am no longer a member of:

“I would not write an erotic romance about an older couple…simply because there’s a level of maturity that makes their sexual relationship much deeper and more meaningful, because of all they’ve been through.”

Uh…that’s exactly why an author can write a seasoned erotic romance! Or even just sex scenes featuring seasoned characters.

I’m still trying to get my head around what this author might have meant. Does she think “erotic romance” means lots of vacuous, meaningless sex? Because that’s not what an erotic romance is at all. In fact, the “maturity that makes their sexual relationship much deeper and more meaningful” feeds into what an erotic romance is: a sexual journey leading to a happily-ever-after. Continue reading

Getting to know me: Betty Bolte’s Musings 2020

This re-post of an interview I did with romance author Betty Bolte is the fourth in a series of blog interviews I’ve done over the years. The first post explains my purpose.

Betty Bolte’s Interview

Today’s post is from a 2020 interview I did for Betty Bolte’s blog to promote Resistance. Betty is one of the authors who participated in the Common Elements Romance Project, and she generously offered space on her popular blog for her colleagues. Continue reading

Pre-order The Invitation: An Art & Discipline Short!

I have finally re-released “The Invitation”, an erotic short story set in my Victorian Art & Discipline world.

In Victorian London, a lovelorn fifty-three-year-old widow discovers she is the muse for a young artist. Continue reading

Preorder Resistance: A Common Elements Romance!

Announcing the launch of the Common Elements Romance Project with the preorder of Resistance!

Resistance: A Common Elements Romance, an enemies-to-lovers contemporary seasoned romance, will be one of the first Common Elements novels to be released! And it’s available for preorder now at only 99¢!

Passions flare when duty confronts ambition… Continue reading

Teaser: My Final Contemporary Romance

Don’t you just hate teasers?

Or maybe not. Perhaps there’s something about a teaser that excites you?

Whatever your fancy, I offer you this teaser to whet your appetite for Resistance, my upcoming autumn 2019 contemporary romance: Continue reading

Release Day! Undamaged #DFRKW

Finally! It’s release day for Undamaged, my contemporary firefighter romance novella!

Undamaged is part of the Dallas Fire & Rescue Kindle World, and it’s exclusive to Amazon: [UPDATE: Undamaged is now available at all retailers!]
Buy it on Amazon USA!
Continue reading

A Naked Guy in Zurich

Hi everyone! I’m over at the Naughty Literati blog today talking about the inspiration for my Naughty Escapes story. The post is copied below. Enjoy!

In my story “Window Display” in Naughty Escapes, the heroine, Laurie, an American Ph.D. student, trots off to Zurich to finish up her dissertation. Instead of the hoped-for peace and quiet, she finds distraction in a totally hot neighbor who doesn’t bother closing the curtains when he’s naked at home.

Many of my Naughty Literati co-authors chose rather exotic locations for their Naughty Vacation Getaway stories. Zurich is generally not considered an “exotic” or even “sexy” location in which to set a romance! Exotic or not, sexy or not, the story is based on a real-life event. Not my life, though. Inspiration came from an unlikely place. Continue reading

Seven Lines from Book Three

I was tagged in a Twitter-based writers’ exercise called Lucky Seven (or, rather, because it’s Twitter, #luckyseven): Continue reading

NaNoWriMo Prep: Plotting

National Novel Writing Month begins in 12 days – but who’s counting?

This will be my eighth year doing NaNoWriMo, and my seventh book. Continue reading